Thursday, April 7, 2016

30 in 30 2016: #7 Old friends I never had

Old friends I never had

Old friends have shared history,
that I can’t ever seem to learn.
All the ones still around
are still tender with their newness.
I’ve always been awful with
dates and times of events.

Dreaming of being a better person
from the back seat of the car I didn’t fit.
The morning took me by surprise
and I worried about getting
away with it on a dead battery.

Life has not been a succinct series
of story-lines that wrap themselves up
before ever getting too complicated.
I’ve always tried to keep hidden
long enough to forget about them.

After a lifetime of bad calls
and “I obviously know best”s,
most nights I prefer sleep to adventure.

I’m getting good at pulling punches
with my better judgment,
throwing the fight,
getting chased to the dawn by
the mistakes I made,
laugh running from the rain
covering my exit and
keeping people from
noticing the trails of smoke
I leave in my wake.

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