Monday, April 4, 2016

30 in 30 2016: #3 When the world ends I’ll treat you like a Queen

When the world ends I’ll treat you like a Queen

In the uneventful end of the world,
everything will fall apart around us.
We were not made for this.
No one was made for this.
We have so much potential
that we have been afraid
to let reality infect.

But we’ve prepared for this
by scraping by on
the meat of our bellies
At the end, we’ve made it,
We will get through it,
and we can point out the houses
we’ve dreamed of raising a tomorrow in.

If the world suddenly decides
it’s got a place in it’s heart for long shots
before everything falls apart,
then I’ll be first in line for our share
of the universe’s cosmic karma,
creating balance for all the shit it shoveled.  

One way or another there is a future
for us where we’re relaxing in a
living room with a wide open view of the Pacific.
There is a time when we stroll
through the aisles of grocery stores
getting whatever we can carry
instead of only what we can afford.

I swear that I see an approaching horizon
with our silhouettes laughing with each other

even if the sky burns down around us.

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