Wednesday, April 20, 2016

30 in 30 2016: #20 Confrontations I’ve avoided

Confrontations I’ve avoided

Dodging the responsibility of my own beliefs.
There is no point in arguing,
because you’ve already made up your mind
and I’m too tired to explain.

Some of them matter less than others.
No, of course I don’t mind.
Leave that anywhere you want,
and obviously not in the place it is meant to go.

Moments I find my narcissistic self interest gets pushed down by common courtesy.
Sure, you can absolutely have the last cookie,
I wasn’t really interested in finishing
the whole box I bought by myself.

Denying all the obvious facts in front of me.
Obviously I wasn’t planning on enjoying
my lunch alone so I could get some work done
that’s why I shut the door,
come on in and have a seat.

There have been the big ones that I gave up on because I didn’t know what else to do.
Your plan sounds...great...I hope it works out for you, I really do.

Replaying everything when I’ve managed to find some time alone and think of just what I should have said and what I should have done.
FINE! I didn’t really want you to stay anyway,
you were cramping my style.

More forfeits than I care to count, came at the hands of the shyness that grips my better judgement.
I’ll just give myself 5 more minutes,
my work can wait until after this is done.
Just 5 more minutes.

Sometimes the path of least resistance is the only way out I can see.
It’s just easier this way if we never say anything,
just pull away slowly,
we can still see each other in the hindsight.

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