Friday, April 22, 2016

30 in 30 2016: #22 When the world ends I’ll be able to afford…

When the world ends I’ll be able to afford…

When the population dwindles
due to a lack, or abundance,
none of us were prepared for,
the governments of the world will
lose track of their borders
and collapse in on themselves.

I’m just waiting for the day
when society gives up on staying together,
we all break up with our world
and start seeing others.
That’s the day I can take my pick
of all the gris grises that are
priced out of my reach.

Those big houses with the beautiful views,
heating bill troubles, and property tax hate mail.
I’ll have my pick every night
cause no one is left to do a credit check
and tell me the arbitrary # they assigned me
isn’t the arbitrary # they would have liked to see.

I’ll have whatever combustion beast I want,
or take my time to get places without one.
My wardrobe will go unnoticed,
regardless of how impeccable it may become
when money is no longer involved in the cost.

The me first and the gimme gimme generation
has refused to give up their hold on
the world they are passing to their children.
They’ll hand us the keys to the place
from their cold dead hands,
with minimal prying and coaxing from their children.

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