I’ve never had a bike
made for what I needed
the bike for in the first place.
As a kid I had a bike that was too tall for me
that I road in flip flops to get scraped up toes
In college I had a mountain bike
for my paved sidewalks and drunken rides home
and spilling onto brown brick
when the ground came at me too fast or too wavy.
When I got my new bike
the moments my wheels
spin the earth beneath me
I could feel myself fighting
the impulse to fly.
Sensing the pull to lift off
and forget about the pavement.
I’ve nearly crashed around impatient drivers
that believe their split second of hesitation
to let me past will ruin their day’s finely tuned schedule.
Drivers enveloped in solipsistic view of the world
they never notice or don’t care or have misunderstood
spiteful bellies of feelings about people on bikes.
It’s not easy biking in the city streets.
The commute has taught me
the need to be more aware
of my surroundings than they are of me.
I have learned that the furthest
I thought I could push myself
is miles from my edges
and that I make no progress
without exertion.#12 Casual Time Travel
When you think of time travel
you think of blue police boxes
and out of date sports cars
going infinite infinity miles per hour
to get through the walls on the now bubble.
Playing the hero in their own story
they break through all boundaries.
If they see a boundary, they eat a boundary.
And wash it down with a cup of hot steaming rules.
Each trip runs the risk of even the smallest event
potentially altering the future in catastrophic ways
that the travel could never imagine.
Displaying more style than thought,
There is never any room for error,
but somehow manage to wiggle
around their mistakes.
I’ve never been interested in correcting my past
and leaping decades backwards in time
to save my future from facing consequences.
I dream of slowing time to a crawl.
Embracing relativity for the entire universe.
I dream not of altering the past or future events,
but making now last forever.
Pace out the seconds to be days apart
to share the moments
I’d rather not have to let go of.
Leap over days when I’m not quite sure how to fill them
while I wait for one I can see in the distance.
Stopping time and again to commit the moment
to long term memory, promising each detail
I’ll never forget how it fit into this moment.
I could dream of epic adventures
and saving the future, but my life
could be more easily saved
by skipping the dullness, s
lowly down excitement to a steady pace,
and freeze framing the joy for as long as it take to never forget it.
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