Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesdays Words 4

I woke up this morning with my eyes feeling extra sensitive to light. This happens from time to me. It is my genetic inheritance's fault really. Some days it leads to a migraine, but today doesn't feel like one of them. There isn't that unpleasant beehive static buzz feeling behind my eyes telling me to prepare myself for the worst. It's been months since I got one of those. 
My heart isn't in this post this morning. I'm still distracted from last night. I ran a game last night with a surprising amount of success given a lack of sleep, feeling burnt out, exhausted, and hit by a caffeine crash during the break that nearly had me cancelling the second part of the game. I decided to suck it up and powered through (roll +Might = 12, WOO!). It was well worth it. The second half picked up the pace of the action and kept me going through the rest of it. I also feel like I'm getting better at story telling with this. It's given me a lot of ideas about the nature of story telling and what makes a story dynamic and interesting. Maybe that's a full post I need to do sometime. Though it'll probably end up at the other blog when I write it.
My morning got away from me, like it always does, and now I get to cram an hour's worth of morning life into the next 30 minutes. Happy "It's all down hill from here" day.

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