Sunday, January 25, 2015

Poetry Post: Too Early For a Family Reunion

The sun is not even out of bed
but my family to shows up for a surprise reunion.
This is especially impressive
with home three-thousand miles away.

When I cough the dusty sleep
out of my lungs
I hear my mother in the rasp of my throat.
I un-tuck my face from under my hair,
my father's younger self smirks at my genetics.
Hidden in the angle of my nose
is a fist mark the shape of my brother's anger
Peaking out from the corners
of the blue in my eyes,
is a smile my sister and I have shared since birth.
And bad habit justifications sound
like my littlest sister's grand plans of
nothing out of the ordinary.

The sun creeps out of bed,
breakfast is a childhood memory
 of my mother's oatmeal
drowning in the strong coffee
of my father's forty hour work week.
I have never felt far away from them.
Someday I hope to learn to miss them.

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