How did it do that you may ask? Well at the end of any given college semester there will always be a few students who have more money than they should and less of a work ethic than they should. So at the end of every semester I plaster craigslist with an ad for inexpensive essay writing. It doesn't always work, but every now and then I'll find somebody who will decide they like my prices enough that they'll buy their way through the end of the semester. Thank greatness for their weak moral fiber.
This year I was lucky enough to find a few of those folks who let their parents fatten my wallet. I enjoy it more than I should really. It reminds me of the countless late nights of wide awake essay writing, or in at least one case 45 minutes before the final essay was due to be turned in without exception. I enjoy forming an essay and trying to push the page count over whatever the minimum count is for the assignment.
I like to try to research as much as I can with google on whoever it is that is actually asking me to write something for them. It helps me figure out how likely they are to try to screw me out of my payment and if they do how I can get my payment out of them, i.e. contacting their professor or school or even just writing a blog post with all our emails on them. I feel like I shouldn't talk about the specifics of the essay or the students that most recent hired me, since they paid me on time. They also didn't try to bargain with my completely reasonable prices either. Given the school they are attending I imagine it is more a case of my reasonable prices seem super cheap to them. It wasn't difficult to figure out what school they were attending, and wouldn't have been even if they hadn't inadvertently provided me with the name of the professor and the title of the course. I just like to feel comfortable with my leverage in the situation, so I won't have to worry about getting paid.
Since I left college, I've gone through the whole range of regret and resolution over my choice of major. I have a habit of seeing the worst parts about my choices sometimes. It's nice to be reminded of the good parts about them sometimes. That extra little boost helps to get me through this rainy winter that has taken over Long Beach as of late.
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