Friday, December 11, 2015

Say it Ain't So, George. Say it Ain't So

Let's fact it. Like Elvis touring in 77, some great artists should not push for that one last moment in the spotlight without expecting it to expose all the imperfections they've cultivated in their echo chambers of yes-men throughout their careers. George Lucas is one of those great artists that got bloated by success and made myopic by the lack of need to prove himself in his drive.

When he was making the original three movies in the late 1970s, he was a young director committed to a vision he had for a story. His vision was so revolutionary that he needed to create his own special effects studio just to handle the demands of his vision. Flash forward through a few decades of coasting on the success of those films and you end up with George Lucas of today. He is not a bad film maker. He just seems to have no spine and certainly isn't hungry enough anymore to push his vision for a movie.  

Why is any of this being brought up now? Well recently a video clip was brought to my attention:

Ignoring the creator of the video's bad attempts at humor and his assumptions about what they are discussing. It is clear that George Lucas was not pleased with the results of his efforts. However, in light of the crazy fan theory that Jar Jar Binks was originally planned to be the most evil Sith lord in all of the galaxy, the above video takes on the context of a man seeing his grand opus fall apart in front of him.

Here is a video explaining the Jar Jar Binks theory; which I feel is pretty sound as far as tin foil hat theories go:

By believing this theory, it forces me to one of the following conclusions:
  • George Lucas biffed his masterpiece so horribly it was unfixable.
  • George Lucas got scared of following through on his plan after the public reaction to Jar Jar
  • George Lucas didn't actually plan for Jar Jar to be a Sith and lost all his talent for story telling.

None of this forgives George Lucas for what was put out in his name, but it at least clarifies the reason why what was supposed to be the grand conclusion to his epic masterpiece ended up being a steaming pile of shit.

After seeing that Jar Jar theory video, I got sort of tempted to watch the movies again to see if I could spot some of the things they mention. God help me I even tried to start watching one of them. I even tried watching cuts of it that had been changed to remove the racist accents and such, but they weren't able to mask the stink off the pile of crap this movie.

We are stuck with Episode 1, 2, 3 for another 20 years until someone decides to do a special edition of the movies and fix it to reflect a better more robust story. I guess that as a one-time die hard fan of the Star Wars universe, knowing that George Lucas might not have actually planned to have his movie be garbage is at least someone comforting. Really that's all we could expect to hope for after all this time.