Sunday, November 15, 2015

Poem: Waffles and Time Travel

My breakfast waffles are getting cold,
sucking up the morning's chill
as I'm already preparing lunch.

There are melting clouds
clearing from the puddles of blue sky
as the sun climbs slowly west.

I am fantasizing about being a time traveler.
Not the exploring history kind
or the visit the future kind.

I just want to ease on the breaks,
slow the sun's rise down a little,
savor each bite of a hot breakfast.

As soon as I've taken the last bite
my day takes a flying leap
at the chaos of obligation.

I lose my footing and stumble
for hours, wishing I had
slowed down the start of my day.

My whole day would go down easier
if my morning start with frantically
trying to finish my waffles before they got cold.

NOTES: I am not sure I know anyone who really gets to take their time in the morning during the week. It's a luxury not everyone can afford without going to bed with the sun and waking up hours before it gets up. I have had many plates of waffles that got cold while I was frantically getting through my morning and making sure I had everything for my day.